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Our Top 10 Tips

  1. Turn on your firewall
  2. Keep your software up to date
  3. Use a router at home or work
  4. Never click any links without checking both their origins & the URL's destination. You are far safer manually typing a URL
  5. Never give out sensitive information
  6. Don't download files from illegal websites
  7. Password protect computers, PDA's and mobile phones 
  8. Protect your passwords
  9. Don't unsubscribe to spam
  10. Trust nobody 

Welcome to our little safe haven on the Net


Our goal is to educate and inform and ultimately to make your online experiences safer and more enjoyable.

We hope to make the Net a safer more friendly place to be, by helping you help yourselves.

Simple Net Security will guide you through the basics of online security.

Aimed at beginners, novices and casual users, we'll give you the main bullet points, the 'must follows' and the slightly more in depth pointers to keep you safe and secure.

On the left, you'll see our Top 10 must do items, and on the right a list of security topics.

We offer advice for security novices, on how to steer clear of viruses, trojans, malware, rogue software and phishing, and how, in simple steps, to surf safely and keep safe and secure on the Web.

Please feel free to pass our site details on to all your friends and family, and help spread the word to anybody you would like to be safer online.


Please keep coming back regularly to keep up to date with all the latest in security online, and check out our LATEST NEWS page for all the latest virus, malware and net security issues, and please do visit our Facebook page and click 'Like' to help us spread the word for a safer internet.

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